6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Volunteer for TUTD

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I don't think I actually became involved in volunteering until I reached high school. High school was when I became more seriously involved in clubs, organizations, and academics. I've continued my involvement with volunteering through university, but my volunteering with one of the projects that I been working on will soon have to end. I been volunteering for TUTD (Thumbs up!, Thumbs Down!) project ever since 2009. However, me and many other youth volunteers will soon no longer be able to contribute this awesome project because we will either move on to university or begin careers. For me, I will (hopefully) begin my career or starting a job by next fall.

TUTD is comprised mainly of youth volunteers who are between the ages of 14-22. This project does need volunteers who can watch rated R movies since many of the volunteers are high school students and aren't 17 yet. I get to work with other youth members during the Hackademy awards through presentation and voting for the different categories of awards. We provide each other tips and it's a great opportunity to work with youth from Sacramento and Davis.

Because of TUTD I've watched tops movies in theaters and on dvd. I watched movies that I would not have watched if I was not volunteering. I learned about exorcism, which I had no idea about. But, watching 3+ plus movies related to exorcisms changed that. I reviewed 30+ movies in theaters and 5+ dvds for TUTD and there's more to come. I had the opportunity to see movies that I really wanted to watch after seeing the trailers, such as Fast 5, Wanderlust, and American Reunion. I was introduced to some good movies and didn't expect it before watching them, such as The Help, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

TUTD provided me the opportunity to work on an issue of tobacco and its usages. I grew up disliking tobacco and I certainly do not like it anywhere near my household or near me. As part of my volunteer task, I get to watch movies and look out for any signs of tobacco. I also look at the portrayal of tobacco from actors and actresses.

Volunteering for TUTD led me to look at movies more critically. It made me more aware of tobacco in my surroundings. TUTD was the reason why my interest in watching movies grew. I not only wanted to watch movies for reviewing, but also I wanted to watch movies for my entertainment. Since my movie watching grew, I am close to watching over 100 movies in theaters, which I am keeping track of through excel.

If you are curious about TUTD or know someone who may be interested, please check out the TUTD website. TUTD is recruiting new movie volunteers for 2012-3 and I want the project to have a strong support and volunteerism. In addition, the Youth Advisory Board is a program for youth of the age of 14-21 and their application is due on April 30th.

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