To get to the concert took a little work. You had to go on Thursday to pick up a bracelet at the Grand Opening. People were lining up at 10 PM the night before so they could meet Blake. I didn't do that so I just got there in time to get a ticket to the show...
Then on Saturday, most people got to the concert a couple hours early to get a good spot. To get in, you had that bracelet and then they took your picture like you were on the red carpet so it took a little time to get through the line...
Once you got in, Microsoft did a top notch job of taking care of the people there. Really more concert promoters could take note of how well they did. They had free food, tons of free water and even slushies. They were promoting the hell out of their products but they never forgot to make sure the people attending were having fun and safe...
To kick off the concert, it was "All About Tonight"...
And then one that sounded really good for the weather, "Some Beach"...
Another important part of the concert was the was around 102 and this parking lot was held in a parking lot at 2 took some dedicated fans to make it through. Had to be a little careful too, some of the girls who weren't so prepared there passed out...
Blake always tells a story about how there was all kinds of music in his house growing is a montage of that with "Kiss My Country Ass" at the end...
No matter how many songs Blake ever does, to me this will always be his signature song, "Ol' Red"...
And here is another great song, "Nobody But Me"...
Blake seemed like he was really happy to be performing...I think this break from the Voice was nice for him..
Here is his current single, "Over".
And this has always been one of my favorites and I never get tired of hearing it..."The More I Drink"...
Performers that come to Kansas City don't always realize that most of the places they perform are on the Missouri side and not Kansas. Blake asked if he was in Kansas or Missouri...he was happy he was in Kansas because he spends almost as much time in Kansas as in Oklahoma thanks to deer he dedicated the song "Home" to his second home, KANSAS...
For his encore, he did "Footloose"...
And "God Gave Me You"...
The concert was so fun and Microsoft did such a great job putting on the event. Blake seemed better than ever which made the intense heat totally worth it...
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