I received an alumni pin after walking the stage. I just love pins. No matter where I get them from.
The brochures that were given to my family when they came in the pavilion. I also received one along with my program book.
The three sashes that I wore during the ceremony.
A sticker I was given when picking up the guest tickets!
I was given this when I was walking on the stage. It isn't the diploma since they don't pass it out until January.
The program book! If you look inside, you will find my name under Asian American Studies and History.
Me and my family (minus my dad) after the ceremony. I met with some friends and family afterwards. I was also given a flower by one of my friends!
Oh, and another thing. Some people had flower necklaces and I wondered how they gotten them. I realized that they were available to purchase, along with flowers around the ARC.
I can hardly believe that all this is really happening. I'm really grateful. And, commencement is just one big part of my life, as there is so much more I still have not done yet!
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